Tuesday, 20 October 2009

The Guardian 100

1) The guardian 100 is a list of the most powerful people.
The panelists:
  • Peter Barron: Male; Editor of Newsnight.
  • Peter Bennett-Jones : Male; Founder of Tiger aspect group.
  • Brent Hoberman: Male; Founder of online interior website mydeco.
  • Tessa Jowell: Female; Minister for the Olympics.
  • Siobhan Kenny: Female; Director of communications at publisher Haper Collins UK.
  • Andrew Neil: Male; Publisher of Barclays brothers press Holding Group.
  • Trevor Phillips: male; Is chair of the equality and humas rights commission.
  • Chris Powell: Male; Chairman of Nesta.
  • Janine Gibson: Female; Editor of Guardian.co.uk.
  • Jane Matinson: Female; Editor of Mediaguradan.co.uk

2 & 3)

  • Jane Tranter (10)- Involved in BBC and is controller of fiction.
  • Lesley Douglas (19)- Controls BBC Radio 2 and 6Music.
  • Jana Bennett (21)- BBC director of vision.
  • Helen Boaden (23)- Director of BBC news.
  • Ruth Jones (25)- Actress and writer.
  • Marjorie Scardino (26)- Chief executive of Pearson.
  • Elisabeth Murdoch (27)- Chairman and chief executive of Shine Group.
  • Ashley Highfield (28)- Chief Executive of Project Kangaroo.
  • Rebekah Wade (30)-Editor of The Sun.
  • Julian Bellamy (32)- Channel 4 head of programming.
  • Carolyn McCall (35)- Chief executive of Guardian Media Group.
  • Gail Rebuck (36)- Chairman and chief executive of Random House UK.
  • Sly Bailey (38)- Chief executive of Trinity Mirror.
  • Arianna Huffington (47)- Founder and editor- in-chief of Huffington Post.
  • Dawn Airey (50)- Chair and chief executive elect of channel 5
  • Veronica Wadley (52)- Editor of London Evening Standard.
  • Jane Bruton (56)- Editor of Grazia.
  • Lucian Grainge (64)- Chairman and chief executive, Universal Music Group International.
  • Joanna Sheilds (66)- AOL executive vice-president and president of People's Network.
  • Caroline Michel (73)- Chief executive of PFD.
  • Katie Price (83)- Reality TV star and Author.
  • Eileen Gallagher (97)- Chief executive of Shed Media.
  • Emily Bell (98)- Director of Digital Content, Guardian News & Media.
4)Percentage: 23%

5) The balance of power in this list is favoured to men. This is because there is just about one woman in the top 10 followed by another just in the top 20. Overall 77 of the 100 are men, therefore there is a considerable difference. The reason may be because 6 of the 10 panelists are men so they may choose more men in the top 100 as the 6 men may identify with thier acheievemtns better.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

The text chosen to compare 'Flightplan' to is 'Mr and Mrs. Smith'. Both texts consist of post-feminism, however this is constructed differently. This is because the representation of Jodie Foster is different to that of Angelina Jolie. Both representations have a different effect on social, historical, economical and political context. In addition the audience identify with both characters differently and mise en scene may be more significant in the representation of one character than the other.

Both texts will be seen as having a post- feminist represenation. This is because they both associate the main female characters with attributes you may refer to with a male protagonist. Such as Jodie Foster is presented as a determined character and Angelina Jolie is presented as tough. Both characters are represented to show independence. This may connote women no longer are self reliant on men.

Similar to both texts is the occupation given to both characters. Jodie Foster is proplusion engineer, while Angelina Jolie is an assasin. Both jobs require physicalty, this goes to the point that women are capable of achieving what they want. Therefore arguing there is no 'glass ceiling'.

Nevertheless there are clear differences between how the film chooses to utilize post-feminist views. In 'Flightplan', the costumes worn by Jodie Foster are simple. They go against the hegemony of representing women as the male gaze. Although in 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' this ideology of the male gaze is present. However, unlike 'Flightplan', 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' use props as a factor to represent post-feminism. This is instigated through weapons such as guns.

It could be argued that 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' doesn't represent post-feminism. This is because it may be connoting equality as the leading characters are both male and female. While 'Flightplan' is focusing purely on Jodie Foster.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Case Study: Google

The owner of the site is Sergey M. Brin and Lawrence E. Page. Google has no power over traditional media businesses. However has alot of new media partnerships such as AOL of Time Warner and Myspace. Other sites that they own are Google images, Google maps, Google Earth, Gmail, iGoogle, Blogger and Youtube.The revenue of Google is $21.796 Billion. Google is worth $157.23 Billion.

facts about google:-

- its mission statement is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful".
- it was founded in California
- it is an American corporation
- it earns money through advertising
- from march 2009 google has 20, 164 employees

3 quotes about the institution:-

- Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Don't Be Evil, a Trigger for Ethical Questions
Don't be evil =
"When you are making decisions, it causes you to think." (Larry Page)
"The most important effect of Don't be evil is that it gives everyone license to question decisions instead of simply following orders." (Paul Buchheit)
"Think of Don't be evil as an organizing principle about values." (Eric Schmidt)

two linked wikipedia articles of google:-

- mentions the list of google products.
- desktop products
- mobile products
- web products
- hardware products

- the search engine
- functionality
- international
- search products
- energy consumption

google homepage
- the key information provided on googles homepage are:-
- links to all the different web pages google has to offer such as images, Gmail, Maps, etc.
- search engine area
- language tools
- 'about google'
- customize-ation of own google homepage

Sunday, 28 June 2009

The top 5 videos

Good balance of images and information. Very fast paced at the beginning to keep you watching. The images showed how influential the internet is. Along with the information which gave two sides of the story about the internet.

Went straight to the point. Was a very good summary of the main topics about the internet. Also the soundtrack went with the topic and therefore helped with the understanding of the internet.

Set out very simple but explained very well. The problems of the net are discussed in depth.

Gave a quick overview of the internet so didn't waste time. Points were relevent and facts were included.

Was unique and different to all the other videos. This is because it gave a realistic view of the problems with the internet. And was quite interesting.

Self Evaluation

All results were a mixture of level 2 and 3. This means it was in between a realised product and fully realised.

I had mainly level 3s with 2 level 2s and 2 level 1s. So an average of 2/3. Therefore the creativity was competent/some.

This was more balanced with 5 level 3s and 5 level 2s including the one level 4. The technology would just about average as a 3 so was competent.

I receieved mostly level 4s and the rest were level 3s. This means the understanding was my most positive as it was seen as having significant understanding.

Production Values:
For production values the majority was level 3s but there were afew level 2s and a level 4. The production values were competent.

WWW (feedback):
Very Informative
Good level of understanding
Relevent topics and facts
Shown a lot of detail

EBI (feedback):
Images some images
Use windows movie maker
More colour
Could be more creative

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

An internet user and television viewer

A television viewer is someone who consumes the media text with out posing questions about it. It is taken in passively. However internet users maybe more active and will produce media forms of their own. Known as user generated content. This means they play the role of the media consumer and producer. Therefore they may gain a better understanding of the media.

Also an internet user will become more experienced and familiar with the media meaning they will be aware with the connotations of a media product. A television viewer will be able to describe what is going on while an internet user maybe able to explain why certain codes and conventions are used.

The Internet